student dropouts การใช้
- Cortines said in a statement about the student dropouts.
- In 2005, the province began including the school in their reports on student dropout rates.
- 5 ) Find out student dropout rate, suspension rate and expulsion rate, particularly for high schools.
- Burnam's legislative director, Les Breeding, said the bill addresses student absenteeism, which ultimately leads to student dropouts.
- The program also recognizes at-risk students and works on preventing student dropouts, rather than only trying to reverse it.
- A study done by Werblow found that increases in school size can be " associated with a 12 % increase in average student dropout rate ".
- But the high rate of student dropouts, if allowed to continue unchecked, will exert a heavy toll on the country's quality of human resources.
- Understanding how memory functions in children and adolescents might lead to more effective teaching strategies in the classroom . burnout, student dropout rates, and increases in substance abuse and crime rates, particularly in children from low-income families.
- Of all the woes besetting the city-- high student dropout and teen-age pregnancy rates, intergenerational welfare dependency, boarded-up storefronts and vacant factories-- none is more pressing than the crime problem, according to city officials.
- Following WASC's denial of accreditation for being " lacking in several areas, including low numbers of full-time faculty, high student dropout rates and questions about academic rigor, " HLC demanded additional information from Ashford prior to an October site visit.
- The grants that come from this act are awarded for up to 60 months to local education agencies ( LEA s ) and state education agencies ( SEA s ) to support those agencies in student dropout prevention and reentry efforts for students that have dropped out.
- The ratings are based on such factors as teen births, infant mortality rate, percentage of children in pre-school, student dropout rate, violent crimes, property crimes, unemployment rate, percentage of children in poverty, number of bad air days, public transportation, and average commute.